Gulfstream IV N2SA Jet crashes in the Congo

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An aide of the Congolese  President Joseph Kabila is the latest casualty of the DRC's dangerous skies after a Gulfstream IV N2SA jet crashed in Bukavu(Eastern DRC) today.

According to information from Radio Okapi in the DRC, the DR Congo Finance Minister has been critically wounded in the crash,  the Governor of South Kivu Province who was also on the plane has also been wounded. Those killed include the American Crew of the Gulfstream IV plane, a former Governor of Katanga, a senior aide to President Kabila and two farmers in the region who were within the perimeter of the crash scene.

The aircraft had 10 passengers on board and is said to have overshot the runway before plunging into the river. Authorities are blaming pilot error for the crash. The aircraft is operated by Lima Delta Company as a trustee for a foreign company, Stanford Aviation LLC, which was owned by billionaire Allen Stanford whose company is now under trusteeship.

Last week, an Antonov 28 cargo plane operated by aviation charter company TRACEP crashed in the Kivu province just before landing at Namoya Airstrip of the DRC killing all five passengers on board.
Gulfstream IV crash in Bukavu

Kavumu Airport in Bukavu

The GulfStream IV N2SA: The aircraft was operated by Lima Delta Company as a trustee for a foreign company, Stanford Aviation LLC

The aftermath of the Gulfstream IV N2SA crash in Bukavu, Eastern Congo
The Gulfstream IV N2SA crash in Bukavu Eastern Congo

Crowds milling about  the Gulfstream IV N2SA crash site in Bukavu, Eastern Congo

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