Luanda Airport Handles 2 million passengers in the first half of 2010

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The 4 de Fevereiro International Airport in Luanda, Angola, dealt with over 2 million passengers in the first half of 2010, the airport’s managing director, Joaquim Cunha said Saturday in Luanda.

According to Cunha the figures can be compared to those seen before the airport’s terminal was refurbished and extended, when it processed around 1.8 million passengers per year.

The work to modernize and extend the international airport, which required investment of around US$74 million, included extending departures and arrivals areas, with the departure area increasing the number of check-in desks from 12 to 26 and the arrivals area receiving three new luggage conveyors.

Support services such as customs, tax police and the Foreigners and Migration Service also gained modern equipment, equipped rooms and improved working conditions.

The airport has three new car parks with capacity for 856 cars, including specific areas for disabled drivers and an automatic system to control and manage the car parks.

Angola’s airport management company, Empresa Nacional de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea (Enana) has been carrying out a programme of refurbishment, modernisation and equipment of around 30 large, medium-sized and small airports across the country, as part of a project estimated to cost around US$400 million, under the terms of the Public Investment Programme

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