Events: AFRAA Aviation Supplies and Stakeholders Convention

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About the Convention
The Aviation Suppliers and Stakeholders Convention (ASASC) 2012 is being organised by the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) in collaboration with its member airlines and industry partners. It aims at bringing together airline and airport operators and solution/service providers with the view to foster dialogue, build sustainable networks in supply chain management, create a competitive environment for business and improve the aviation business support base in the continent and globally.

The Convention aims to provide a forum to:
  • Develop aviation business support base on the continent
  • Develop synergy among sector players in the industry(airlines, airports, CAAs) through interaction, identifying and proposing joint solutions to industry challenges.
  • Facilitate interaction among aviation organizations & industry suppliers
  • Discuss emerging technologies
  • Share industry knowledge, information and experience
  • Create a competitive environment & choice to aviation companies in Africa.
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