Finding Great Accommodation in the Midlands Meander

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There is a lot to see and experience if you are planning a meander in the Kwa Zulu Natal’s Midlands Meander which stretches from the little town of Pietermaritzburg to the Mooi River. The route was established as a rural retreat by various artists and craftsmen where they could focus on building their trades away from the hustle and bustle of Durban. Today the Midlands Meander provides a perfect route for experiencing nature, beautiful scenery, various arts and crafts and great accommodation. If you are looking for an accommodation in the Midlands Meander during your foray into the Berg in KZN, there are several factors that you will need to consider for the perfect Midlands experience.
The Midlands Meander is an 80km stretch of great landscapes and features and location should be an important factor when choosing you accommodation.  Some of the major landmarks along the Meander include the spectacular Drakensberg Mountains, the Mooi River, the Karkloof Valley, the Nkonkwane Stream, the Karkloof nature reserves and hundreds of other scenic natural and historic features. If you are looking for an accommodation in Midlands Meander close to any of these sites, then it is important to factor in the location of the establishment when making your bookings.

Luxury versus budget accommodation
A luxury accommodation in the Midlands Meander comes with all the trappings and comfort with great wine and food. You will be able to enjoy great sightseeing of the spectacular scenery and nature including the world famous Drakensberg Mountains, the historic Mooi River or the Karkloof Blue butterfly. Luxury accommodation will include great baths and showers, delectable three course meals, therapy massages, spas and much more.  You will also find plenty of budget accommodation in Midlands Meander where you can make huge savings and still enjoy relative comfort and spectacular scenery. Budget accommodation can include lodges, guest houses, private homes and farm houses. B&B budget accommodation also exist that offer sumptuous breakfasts.

Self Catering versus fully serviced accommodation
If you are considering an accommodation in Midlands Meander, you also have the option of choosing either self catering service or a fully serviced accommodation. Various establishments will offer either of these services exclusively or both giving you the flexibility to determine what you need. Self catering services will give you the freedom to engage in cooking your favorite food while on your holidays. On the other hand, you will be fully served like in a hotel atmosphere should you opt for fully catered accommodation. You can also find self catering accommodation in Midlands Meander that also offers meals. When booking your accommodation, it is important to carefully evaluate the kind of catering offered to ensure that your precise needs are met in your search for accommodation.

There are several other choices for accommodation in Midlands Meander that you can choose from including country houses, guest houses, hotels or farm houses where you can enjoy some choice cheese and great wine. Great options also exist for camping that are suited for backpackers.

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